Does anyone care?
She is 72 years old
She sleeps on a sand dune
— Warm Bed Sayings

We are committed to educating ourselves and the communities about the complexities of homelessness. It is too easy to think there is an quick solution if only someone will do it.
We have about eight Wednesday morning programs a year where we explore what is happening in our community. We arrange for speakers to present information to the community. We encourage the audience to make announcements of what is happening in the community.
We also meet with local groups to discuss homelessness and to listen to ideas and plans that groups may have to improve the community. Please let us know if you would like us to speak to your group.
Upcoming Community Forums – Please Save the Date – Free and Open to the public:
- Wednesday, September 26 – Homeless Students in Higher Education
Guest Speakers: representatives from local institutions of higher education - Wednesday, October 24, Topic TBD
- Wednesday, November 29, Topic TBD
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Fund for Homeless Women
c/o Community Foundation for Monterey County
2354 Garden Road, Monterey, CA 93940