One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.

The Fund for Homeless Women Creates Circles of Support

My name is Donna Ferraro, former CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County. I have dedicated my life to the community to help insure that the underserved have the resources necessary to be contributing members of society. Upon my retirement, I became involved in the Fund for Homeless Women. I am honored and humbled to be able to participate in supporting the Fund for Homeless Women. It’s amazing to me all that has been accomplished with no paid staff and 3 extraordinary volunteers.
As a community we should be outraged by the number of homeless women on the Monterey Peninsula. When presented the facts it was clear to me that they could be our grandmothers, our sales clerk, our bank teller, a mother taking a walk with her children, or someone sitting in their car. Although the stats can be overwhelming, I know that together we can help solve the problem. But we need your help!
I am reaching out to you to help us as we take this journey together. Please consider joining me as a volunteer of the Fund for Homeless Women. Be part of our newly forming Development Committee. The first thing on our agenda will be helping to create our next special event. If you are interested, please email me… Your involvement will not require a lot of time (I hate meetings without a purpose!) but I know that together we can make it happen! I hope to hear from you.
If you are interested in volunteering in support of homeless women on the Monterey Peninsula please contact the volunteer coordinators at one of our 2018 Grant Awardees.
Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula
Seaside Mission to assist older women | 831-624-8595 -
Community Human Services
Outreach, counseling and temporary housing for young women | 831-658-3811 -
Community Homeless Solutions
Women in Transition: Housing and case management | 831-384-3388 -
Gathering for Women
Day Center in Monterey | 831-241-6154
Interim, Inc.
House and case management for women with mental illness | 831-649-4522 -
Legal Services for Seniors
No-cost legal services for older women | 831-899-0492 -
Outreach Unlimited
IHELP: Emergency shelter and case management | 831-756-4755 -
Pass the Word Ministry, Inc.
One Starfish: Safe Parking and case management | 831-275-5167