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Fund for Homeless Women 2021 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2021 Newsletter

Over a year ago our nation received a mandate to shelter-in-place. This has been a time of struggle for all of us, as we lived with the fear of illness and experienced the loss of connections with family and friends. But we have not all lived with the same risks and challenges. What does shelter in place mean for vulnerable homeless women? Where is their shelter? How are they able to mitigate risk?

For the unsheltered, challenges have grown more extreme. Housing programs have had to reduce capacity. Common places to find shelter and a bathroom—libraries, gyms and fast food restaurants closed. Meeting for meals in person at most nutrition sites has been reduced or eliminated and art and education programs suspended. Options for showers grew more limited and maintaining personal hygiene more difficult.

Read more — download the PDF here.

Fund for Homeless Women 2020 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2020 Newsletter

As the community began to stay at home, we became even more aware of those who had no home to go to.

They too are a part of our community, our town, and our lives. and we are thankful that many hearts have opened in response. Though COVID-19 may have limited some volunteers’ ability to participate directly, we began seeing groups of friends bringing food to the homeless camps that are growing and becoming more visible along highways, beaches and parks. Churches have continued to house the women of I-HELP, and Gathering for Women has created new partnerships with local restaurants to keep food available to the homeless women served by their program.

Download the PDF here.

Fund for Homeless Women 2019 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2019 Newsletter

When we began this journey we quickly learned that no single one of us could do what needed to be done. The work at hand was too large and too complex for any one individual, one organization or civic entity to handle alone. The more we learned about the issue of homelessness, the more that proved to be true.

Download the PDF here.

Coastal Growers Magazine, Spring 2019

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Full page coverage of our Montrio event in Coastal Growers Magazine, Spring 2019. To download the entire magazine please click here.

2018 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2018 Newsletter

Looking back over the past five years, it’s accurate to say that the Fund for Homeless Women has helped to usher a change in the landscape of services for homeless women on the Monterey Peninsula. There are new thriving programs, a more educated citizenry and a sense of urgency in addressing the problem of homelessness in our communities. Gathering for Women has moved into its new permanent location, with showers!!! Women are being assisted by case managers and system navigators to obtain and sustain safe affordable shelter, and we were pleased to witness two senior low income housing projects completed in Monterey after years of planning and financing.

Download the PDF here.

2016 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2016 Newsletter

We began this journey in 2011. Our initial goal was to help make the presence of women living without adequate shelter more visible in our community. With the resounding response from our “Becoming Visible” photo exhibit and the enthusiastic support of community members, we partnered with the Community Foundation to establish a field of interest fund that would support programs and services designed to meet the unique needs of women who experience homelessness in Monterey County. That was almost five years ago, and we haven’t looked back.

Download the PDF here.

2015 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women 2015 Newsletter

The census taken in 2013 suggested that there are approximately 350 women who are homeless on the
Monterey Peninsula on any given day. This reflects an increase of 9% since census data were collected in 2011. Over the course of a year, the number of women projected to be homeless on the Peninsula increases to 876. Single older women who are simply poor and living without adequate housing face the most critical lack of options for shelter and safety. Data from a 2015 census will become available later this year.

Download the PDF here.

Spring 2014 Newsletter

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Fund for Homeless Women Spring 2014 Newsletter

The Fund for Homeless Women Grants Committee (Michael Reid, Marian Penn, Kathy Whilden, Julie Drezner, Janet Shing and Brian Thayer) met at the Community Foundation for Monterey County headquarters on February 4, 2014 to review and make funding recommendations on the applications received in response to its Request for Proposals (RFP) announced in November 2013 (proposal deadline was January 10, 2014).

Download the PDF here.